About CSS

Common Sense Strategies (CSS) is a company that utilizes proven techniques in helping governments and private businesses cut their operating costs in a manner that can actually enhance efficiency.  CSS utilizes these strategies while also affiliating with numerous highly prestigious companies that can provide major savings to your business operations.  A free forensic audit from CSS will be able to tell you immediately whether major savings can be effectuated through our planning and coordination with experts in the field of insurance, transportation, purchasing, computers, energy usage, obtaining grants, workers compensation, tax grievances, inaccurate phone and electric bills, and automaton, to name a few.  There is no cost to a business that utilizes these services. Payment would be tied to actual savings that is realized by the business.

Our expert advisors can save a company a substantial amount of operating costs in these numerous areas, just as they have for companies and governments such as Avis, McDonalds, New York City Board of Education, Northrop-Grumman, Village of Lindenhurst, Winthrop Hospital and William Floyd Schools. Click on Services for further details.

Let CSS prepare this innovative plan with its renowned experts on your behalf so you can concentrate on running your business.